Sunday, March 15, 2009

Bad First Experience

I ever promised to tell the reason why Sayyid didn't continue to SK ..

Firstly Sayyid went to school, my husband accompanied him even in the class. Sayyid still worried with different situation between his old school and his new school. Several teachers understood him and permitted Sayyid accompanied by his father. It's ok. But in that first day, for the first time Sayyid and my husband saw a teacher taught the pupils with hard pressure. In the classroom, that teacher spoke to the pupils loudly (Bhs. Indonesia: membentak) and even hit the blackboard hardly by stick/rotan in order to make the class become silent. I was so shocked when my husband told me about this. It was Sayyid's bad experience that made me so stressed.

I won't tell the detail of the first week Sayyid came to school. The important things are the reason we stopped Sayyid study at that school. Here they are:

1. The system of education
The education just oriented on academic report. There were no integrating system between general subjects and islamic subjects. It was so different from Integrated Islamic school in Jogja, that build an integrated system of all subjects and activity to educate the children.

2. The behaviour of most teachers showed that they weren't friendly and understand children's world.

3. The communication skill of most teachers to children didn't good enough. I saw it by myself when i accompanied my son in the class.

4. The situation of the class and school we think won't be condusive to develop and explore Sayyid's potential of multiple intellegencies.

So, it was so different with our vision and mission to give integrated education related to IQ, EQ and SQ. And it should be teachers always teach with love and positive behaviour, so children's will like learning everything in school and their brain will be developing optimum, also good methode of teaching can build their character. It's our homework to search an alternative school for our son.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Kemuliaan Mujahid Palestina

Dari Cybersabili diberitakan aktivis Bulan Sabit Merah Indonesia (BSMI) telah sampai di Jakarta 7 Pebruari 2009. Dalam jumpa pers disampaikan bagaimana pengecutnya tentara Israel yang hanya berani menyerang anak - anak Palestina. Bahkan pasukan tank mereka tidak berani menginjak bumi saat memasuki Gaza. Mereka buang air besar dan air kecil di tank, sehingga menimbulkan bau busuk dari dalam tank.

Terlintas di dalam pikiranku, alangkah memalukannya tindakan para zionis itu. Allah telah menanamkan rasa takut dalam diri mereka. Sungguh berbeda dengan pejuang HAMAS yang berebut untuk syahid. Mereka merupakan prajurit - prajurit sejati yang menjual jiwa mereka kepada Allah Sang Pemilik Jiwa.

Dari wawancara Cybersabili dengan Dr. Jose Rizal (Ketua Presidium Medical Emergency Resque Commitee-MER-C) antara lain disebutkan :

Selain kemampuan militer, hafal al-Qur’an juga menjadi standar minimal menjadi pejuang Hamas?

Betul. Standar al-Qur’an ini sangat menarik, karena anggota Brigade Izzuddin al-Qassam rata-rata hafal al-Qur’an. Jadi, pada saat menunggu akan melakukan serangan, mereka menghafal dan menghayati ayat-ayat Ilahi, bukan minum kopi, merokok, apalagi ngegosip. Dari berbagai sumber, saya memperoleh informasi bahwa, setiap pejuang Hamas hanya dibekali dengan jatah minuman seukuran botol Aqua 250 ml dan makanan sekadarnya untuk 2 hari. Padahal, dalam sebuah front pertempuran bisa jadi pejuang-pejuang Hamas harus bertempur lebih dari sepekan.

Subhanallah. Ruh jihad telah menyatu dalam jiwa dan jasad mereka. Sungguh mulia orang -orang yang teguh berpegang pada tali agama Allah yang kokoh. Yaa Allah, berikanlah selalu pertolongan, keteguhan iman dan rahmat Engkau kepada Saudara - saudara kami dan kepada para Mujahid di Palestina.

Yaa Allah, berilah pula kekuatan kepada kami untuk menjadi muslim sejati sebagaimana Mujahid - mujahid Palestina. Ampunilah kami atas kelemahan diri kami. Kami belum memiliki ketangguhan sebagaimana tangguhnya rakyat Palestina menghadapi kekejian teroris.
Allahu Akbar!