Sunday, October 17, 2010

why homeschooling?

education for children is the most important of parental responsibilities. it's better for parents to get many knowledges or information about children education although parents decide to send their children to public schools. we have to know how to educate them and choose the best school for them. what does it mean? does the best school mean expensive? does it mean popular? maybe i can write down about the criteria of best school in other posting. so the important point is children have to get good education.

since we disappointed with the schools where our children being educated in "Negeri Jiran", we decided to homeschool them. we couldn't find any schools that love and appreciate our children also understand their soul. fortunately my husband and i like children's world and like playing with them. and we always try to build a good communication with them. when we make mistake we appologize so do they. we have many activities together as family program such as reading books, reading alquran,praying, fast, sports, playing, gardening, cooking etc ...doing many things. so homeschooling become more effective than study at school for us in this country.

so homeschooling is the best thing we can do to educate our beloved children. homeschooling means we have to learn about children education more deeply and widely. homeschooling means we have to build fun learning. homeschooling means we are as parents, teachers and friends. it's not easy but not difficult too. just enjoy fun learning at home. learning everywhere about anything. never afraid fail when we're learning something. May Allah bless us.

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